30 November 2023

The magazine “PLATINUM” (issue November 2023), prestigious International Magazine, dedicated a space to CSGI in the field of research about GREENART Project.

Platinum has been a respected publication in business publishing and R&D for more than 20 years, both in Italy and abroad. a message that is qualified and authoritative and that is directed at a specific target in the business, institutional, and financial sectors.
An esteemed editorial proposal that narrates the success stories of a successful business that has been able to innovate and become a catalyst for the nation’s development and expansion through significant characters.
The magazine is distributed in Italy in direct mailing, on newsstands with “Il Sole 24 ORE“.

In this particular issue at page-141, there is an interview with the Project Coordinator Prof. Piero Baglioni, who highlights “We are phasing out the oil chemistry with a new chemistry that is sustainable, in accordance with the European green deal agenda.