6 – 7 June 2024

GREENART is delighted to announce the successful completion of a specialized training session titled “Cleaning of Cellulose-Based Artworks: Between Tradition and Innovation,” conducted by our esteemed partner Antonio Mirabile. The event took place on June 6 and 7, 2024, at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

This training session provided a deep dive into the fascinating world of Nano, Colloidal, and Surface Science as applied to the conservation of cultural heritage. The workshop was divided into two crucial sections:

Lectures and Presentations: These sessions covered the theoretical foundations, research developments, and practical implementations of Nano, Colloid, and Surface Science in the conservation of cultural heritage objects. Participants gained insights into the latest advancements and methodologies that are shaping the future of conservation.

Practical Workshops: Hands-on sessions focused on application methodologies and the use of innovative materials specifically formulated for the protection and conservation of cultural objects. Attendees had the opportunity to directly engage with new techniques and materials, enhancing their practical skills and knowledge.
The training was a significant step in bridging traditional methods with cutting-edge innovations, ensuring that conservation practices continue to evolve and improve. We are proud of the collaborative efforts and knowledge-sharing that took place, reinforcing our commitment to preserving cultural heritage through scientific advancement.